Add reviewers to a pull request

Request a review for a pull request using the web UI.

Adding reviewers and requesting reviews helps ensure the quality and proper functionality of the proposed changes before merging.

Follow these steps to add a reviewer to a pull request on Procotol.Land:

  1. By default, the list of open pull requests are displayed.

  2. Click on the pull request from the list to which you want to add a reviewer.

  3. You will be redirected to the main page of the pull request.

  4. ⁠You will be prompted with a modal displaying the list of available reviewers.

Note: Only contributors and owners of the repository can be added as reviewers.

  1. The address of the selected contributor is check-marked within the list.

  2. Click “Submit”.

  3. The pull request timeline on the "Overview" tab is also updated to show the request for review.

Last updated